

发布时间:2020/03/04 15:23:08 阅读量:2285


【例1】理解主旨、要义(Knowabout the main idea


M:I hope itll be fine tomorrow. Im going boating with Tom.

W:Oh, I think it will be fine.

M:Yes, I beard it on the radio.

Whatare the two speakers talking about ?

A.Afine boat.           B. Their friend,Tom.          C. The weather.


【例2】获取事实性的具体信息(Understanddetailed factual information


M:Well, I wondered why the office is still not open.

W:But its not yet eight. In fact, its only a quarter to eight.

Atwhat time does theoffice open?

A.7:45                  B. 8:15                    C.8:00



Inferringthe background and relationship between the speakers



Whats the relationship between the speakers?

What can we learn from the dialogue?

M: Excuse me, Madam.

W: Yes?

M: Does this bus go to Zhongshan Road?

W: Yes, I think so.

M: Youre welcome.

What is the relationship between thespeakers?

A. They are friends.       B. They are strangers.      C. They are brother and sister.



Understand the speakersintention,views and attitude


Whats the most probable result of theconversation?

Whats the most probable result of theconversation?

What can we know about the man(woman)?

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I bought this radio two days ago, butIm afraid it doesnt work. Id like to change it for another one.

W: Oh, dear. Yes, of course. Have you gotyour receipt?

M: Yes, here it is.

W: Thank you. Just a moment, please.

What is the most probable result of theconversation?

A. The man got this radio repaired.

B. The man got a new receipt.

C. The man got a new radio.



library, library card, reader's card, borrow,lend, keep, renew(续借),bookshelf, novel, dictionary, science, fiction, magazine, periodical期刊, reference book参考书, librarian, due, overdue, pay a fine,Information desk, check out(图书馆等)登记借出或酒店结账离开,deadlinedue, overdue and pay a fine,available, reserve slip/book预借卡


Campus校园, dormitory, credit学分, hour学时,course, term paper, final exam, excellent, pass, fail, grade/mark,assignment/homework, scholarship奖学金


Clinic, medicine, pills/tablets药丸、片,heart attack心脏病,dizzy头晕的, cold/flu, have/catch a cold, cough, fever, pain,headache, backache, sore-throat, visiting hour探视时间,examine, have an operation, emergence department急诊室, take one's temperature/bloodpressure测体温、血压,dentist, physician内科医生,surgeon外科医生


Speeding超速, speed limit限速,a fine ticket

May I see your drivinglicense驾照,please

You'll be fined by$20.


Postal clerk, postman, postcard,send/post/deliver a letter/mail, registered letter/mail/post挂号信, postage, extra postage,telegram/cable电报,stamp, envelope, package/parcel, overweight, express mail快递, airmail航空邮件, surface mail陆邮, surface airlifted平邮空运服务, remittance汇款, postal code邮政编码, Insurance(n.)/insure(v.)保险


Customer and waiter/waitress, order, 

May I take your order now?

Menu, serve, pay the bill, tip, change, 

Keep the change不用找了!

go Dutch AA/Let's go fifty fifty AA.

Treat请客,This is my treat./It is on me.

go out for dinner/dinner out, have a bit,fork, knife, spoon, steak, cheese, sandwich, bacon, soup, Appetizer/starter开胃菜, main course, dessert, snack bar小吃店, hamburger, coke, French fries,dining hall, coffee shop, restaurant, cafeteria自助食堂, canteen, buffet自助餐厅


grocery store杂货店, grocer杂货店店主,department store, shopping center, at the service desk在服务台, size, color, style, price

What color/size/kind do you want?

Expensive, cheap, high, low, bargain,popular/fashionable, in fashion, out of fashion, brand, counter柜台,pay in cash, pay by check, creditcard, shop assistant, out of stock缺货,instock有货




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