

发布时间:2020/07/07 17:32:09 阅读量:2601

第一节 考情分析

短文写作主要测试考生英语书面表达思想的能力。要求考生在 30 分钟 之内写出一篇短文,字数要求通常在 120-180 个词。语言表达要求连 贯,内容切题,无重大语言表达错误。通过对 2012-2018 年专升本英语真题中写作部分的分析和总结,可以 得出如下结论:1.从题材来看,近几年以来主要以议论文为主;2.从出题方式来看,主要以提纲式作文为主;3.就文章的内容和要求来看,主要考查考生对某一问题的分析、阐述 以及对不同观点的分析评论。


第二节 布局谋篇

一篇优秀的作文,必须要有一个好的框架。部分省份专升本英语写作最常考查的是议论文,之前还考过应用文,无论是议论文还是应用文,都会给出提纲,这样写作的要点基本就确定了,我们要做的第一步就是 围绕要点设定写作框架,然后再填充内容,将要点进一步细化。



【模拟演练】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay with the title Starting up Businesses after Graduation. You are required to write at least 120 words, following the outline given below:

1. 大学生创业越来越普通;

2. 大学生创业的利弊;

3. 我的看法。




第三段:说明自己的观点 每一段的内容需要考生自己填充,具体方法下文会进行介绍。

在往年专升本英语考试中,考过的议论文写作大概可分为三类:利弊 型、问题对策型、现象阐释型,其中前两种是近几年常考的,需要更 加重视。接下来分别讲解这几类议论文的写作技巧。


1.审:即审题。审题时一定要做到全面。全面的审题包括五个 方面:审文体,审人称,审格式,审时态,审要点。

2.列:即列要点。表达出全部要点是得高分的基本保证,漏掉 要点得分档次就会降低。因此,要列出所有需要表达的要点,做好写 作的准备。

3.造:即造句。列出全部要点之后,把要点扩充成完整的句子。造句时要结合时态、人称等,准确选词,选择运用所学的句型句式, 准确表达各个要点。这一步骤的要求是:词汇要高级,句式要多变。

4.连:即连句成段。灵活、巧妙而恰当地运用衔接过渡词,利 用好启、承、转、合四种方法使文章自然流畅。还可以适当添加 细节,使文章的内容更加完善、全面。

5.改:即修改。阅读整篇文章,检查文章是否包括所有要点, 发现并改正文章中的错误,如单词拼写、词语搭配、人称、时态、语 态、主谓一致、句式、从句的引导词、标点符号、大小写等。

6.抄:即抄写。经过修改无误之后,工整地把文章抄到答题区 域。


1.五审定调子 写作时,要养成在审题上形成一种定向思维的习惯,做到五审

一审体裁。根据作文材料要求确定文章体裁。然后建立相应体裁的行 文模式。我们常用的体裁有书信、日记、通知、发言稿、说明文、记 叙文、议论文等。

二审人称。文章中人称选择恰当对表达文章的基本思想、描述事物及 情节都很有帮助。应特别注意英文中人称的阴阳是很容易被忽视的。

三审时态。招考评分中,谓语动词形式非常重要,一篇文章如果多处 出现谓语动词错误,就要降等给分。所以我们在审题时要给文章的时 态定个位,即过去时、现在时或将来时。再把这个定为时态基础,按 需要使用相应时态。

四审要点。招考评卷中,作文的大块得分集中在文章的要点和要点发 挥上,一般来说,英语招考作文有 4~6 个要点,考生在读题时要边读 边列出要点并写出要点中的关键词,这样既能保证要点齐全又能节省 时间。

五审层次。层次分明,脉络清晰,让读者一目了然。记叙文大多数以 人物活动、时间顺序或事情发展过程为线索;说明文大多以时间、空 间为线索;议论文的写作一般按先总后分或先分后总的顺序。

2. 润色得高分 考生应在保证文体正确、要点齐全、层次分明的基础上,恰当运用一 些漂亮的句式、关联词、插入语和谚语等,以使文章更上档次。




Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Keeping a Pet. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below 

1. 养宠物有很多优点。

2. 宠物也会引发一些问题。 

3. 我的态度。 

Keeping a Pet 

Nowadays, it is common to see _____________________________描述养宠物的现状 

There are many advantages of keeping a pet. For one thing,_______________________优点之一 For another, ____________________优点之二 

However, keeping a pet, just like anything else, has its negative side as well. It may also give rise to some problems. For example, ________________   Worst of all, _________________for the reason that _______________指出缺点之二,并说明其中原因 

To sum up, there are more advantages than disadvantages to keeping a pet,___________强调养宠物



Keeping a Pet 

Nowadays it is common to see There are many advantages of keeping a pet. For one thingpets are good companions. This is especially important for people who live alone and for the old who do not go out much. Some pets can also help to protect the house from thieves. For another, dogs and cats like to play and can give hours of amusement to children and adults. Taking care of an animal also helps children to develop a sense of responsibility and to learn about the nature. However, keeping a pet, just like anything else, has its negative side as well. It may also give rise to some problems. For example, some pets are dirty and tend to transmit some sort of disease. Worst of all, some dogs may attack and seriously injure small children for the reason that their owners don’t train them properly or actually encourage them to be aggressive. To sum up, there are more advantages than disadvantages to keeping a pet,especially for lonely people and children. Meanwhile, it is, however, quite necessary to bear in mind thatpets should be well trained lest they attack people.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Working at Home. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 

1. 居家办公有很多优点,如:节约上班往返时间等。 

2. 居家办公也有很多弊端,如:孤独感、混淆生活与工作等。 

3. 我的看法。

Working at Home

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, particularly computer and telephone technology, it has been made a reality that______________________说明现状 Generally, people enjoy working at home for the following benefits. For one thing, __________________   For another,_______________________  .Most agreeable of all,_______________________. 优点之三 While working at home allows much more freedom than working in office, some problems can not be ignored. For example, ________________________. 缺点之一Besides, ____________________.缺点之二What’s more,________________________   For all the possible problems arising from working at home, I still believe________________对未 来前景的预测。 



 Working at Home 

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, particularly computer and telephone technology, it has been made a reality that some people are capable of working at home, which has brought much convenience and pleasure to them.      

Generally speaking, people enjoy working at home for the following benefits. For one thing, they not only save time by not having to travel long distance to work every day but save money on transportation and business clothes. For another, suffering less stress from their employers, they can think more clearly and be more creative in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of their home. Most agreeable of all, they have much freedom to decide for themselves how and when to do their job, enabling them to spend more time with their family.    

While working at home allows much more freedom than working in office, some problems cannot be ignored. For example, sometimes, they cannot separate their personal life from their working life. Besides, if they work at home, it follows that they are lack of person-to-person communication with their counterpart, thus having trouble keeping pace with the ever-changing development. After all, many people still prefer to conduct business face to face. What’s more, there is evidence that people working at home are more likely to catch some mental illness as sometimes they cannot shy away from loneliness.    

For all the possible problems arising from working at home, I still believe more and more people would love to do most of their jobs at home because working at home can really provide them with much more freedom to manipulate their time.

D. 表达个人观点的句式 

1For my part/in my point of view/as far as I am concerned, I think it reasonable to ... Only in this way can we ... 

2As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that ... It is not only because ..., but also because ... The more..., the more... 3In my eyes, the negative aspects of ... can’t be ignored. Only when .... can we ... 


3. 参考模板 


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Water Shortage in China. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 

1. 缺水的现状 

2. 缺水的原因 

3. 解决的办法 

Water Shortage in China 

With the development of ___________, _____________. (问题出现的背景) So it is of great importance for us to _________________. (过渡句)On the one hand, ______________.(   )On the other hand,___________.( 要性二或后果二) To __________, we have figure out many ways to ______.(总说解决问题的方法) First,_________.(方法一) Second,_____________.(方法二) Finally,_______.(方法三) In a word,_________________.(总结上文) To sum up, _______________.(重申主题) It is high time for us to _________.(进一步强 调主题) Therefore,______________.(总结全文



 Water Shortage in China 

With the development of modern industry and the growth of population, water shortage has become a growing concern for Chinese government and people. So it is of great importance for us to get some ideas on the factors contributing to this problem. 

On the one hand, water supplies are being consumed by a growing number of heavy industries as well as the growing population. On the other hand, the well-developed root system of trees can keep the water from diffusing into the earth, but deforestation at the upper reaches of rivers has made the situations worse.    

To solve the problem, we have figured out many ways. First, we must economize the use of water resources and practice a recycling policy. Second, stricter laws and regulations should be implemented to protect the limited water resources we have.Finally, more diversion projects should also be used so as to direct the surplus water resources in the Southern China to the under-supplied regions. In a word, stronger measures should be taken to protect the water resources we have now.    

To sum up, water shortage is already serious in China these days. It is high time for us to do something to prevent it from being worse. Therefore, if everyone takes action to save water, the situation will be better to some extent.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Problem of Piracy. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 

1. 盗版现象日益严重 

2. 盗版造成的不良后果 

3. 我对抵制盗版蔓延的看法 

Problem of Piracy 

Nowadays, the problem of ________________提出问题 For instance,___________ 举例 进一步说明问题的严重性 Piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate products, inventors and writers in many ways. To start with ______________原因一 What’s worse, pirated books__________原因二 In the long run, ___________可能给顾客带来的不利 because______________相关原  In my opinion, it's high time that everyone started the battle against piracy. First, __________   Besides, _____________   Finally, _________解决 措施之三 Only in this way, can we wipe the pirated products out of our life. 



Problem of Piracy 

Nowadays, the problem of piracy has become more and more serious. Books, tapes, VCDs and other high-tech products have been pirated. For instance, when a new product comes onto market, most probably, its pirated counterpart will soon put on its appearance in the market, too. 

Piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate producers, inventors and writers in many ways. To start with, the pirated products often cost much less than the genuine ones so that they enjoy a better trading position in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products, on the contrary, sell poorly. What’s worse, pirated books, sometimes, do great harm to the authors reputation due to some misprints. In the long run, pirated products may have a negative impact on customers because those legitimate producers' creativity and enthusiasm may be deeply hurt by the fact that some customers are more interested in the pirated products for the sake of small gains. 

In my opinion, it’s high time that everyone started the battle against piracy. First,customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products. Besides, the government should take effective measures to put an end to piracy. Finally laws must be strictly enforced to completely ban piracy. Only in this way, can we wipe the pirated products out of our life.



